M&J Trimming feature in Eide Magazine

Claramente, ando apaixonada por linhas e pontos!
Com um pouco mais de tempo livre e um pouco de cada uma destas cores, eu seria uma mulher ainda mais feliz! 😉

M&J Blog

Eide Mag M&J feature 1

And the great news keep rolling in.  Check out this amazing article that Eide Magazine wrote about us!  Our favorite line was “What’s amazing about this store is that even the least crafty person can be inspired to design and create”.  We, too, believe our store is for the skilled designer and for the person who doesn’t even know what DIY means – anyone can walk in and walk out with the tools to create something beautiful.   Many thanks to the Eide Magazine team for such an awesome feature!

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M&J Trimming feature in Eide Magazine

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